Expoziție temporară
We invite you to visit a new temporary exhibition: Atipic. Drumul către ceilalți /Atypical. The Road to the Others, which can be visited starting March, the 11 th. The exhibition features the works of David Stescu, a 16-year-old autistic photographer. Organized by the Maps Museum and the initiators of the project Faces of Autism, the exhibition aims to raise awareness about autism, a social mission to which museums are increasingly contributing.
The exhibition is on from March 11 to May 8, at our venue, and the visiting hours are Tuesday – Sunday, 10:00 – 18:00.
Tickets: 5 Lei
Thursday, March the 10th, we invite you to join us live, on our museum’s Facebook page, at the opening of the exhibition Atypical. The road to the others, to talk about autism and bridges between people. https://www.facebook.com/MuzeulHartilorVechi/
Participation in this live event is free.
The exhibition focuses on David and his photos. He is passionate about geography; and his travels, which he plans thoroughly, have a therapeutic role. With each new destination, and with each photo, David grows as a person, confirming his own path and his own channel of communication in a typical world.
In the first section of the exhibition you will be able to empathize with the emotion brought about by the natural or urban landscapes that David captured in his travels. Australia, Morocco, Egypt, Italy, Jordan….
David’s camera records not only images from nature, but also the diversity of human nature. In his latest photographic project – Faces of Autism, David portrays other young autistic people to illustrate the multiple facets of autism and to encourage their integration into society. You will find these portraits and the story of each of the protagonists in the second section of the exhibition.
Through his photographs, either landscapes or portraits, David builds bridges between himself, typical people and other young people with autism. The Maps Museum invites you to use these bridges and to take at least one step on this road to the others. You will also be able to see personal items from David’s treasure chest (his original collection of souvenirs) and explore the special way in which he plans each trip. A series of educational or illustrative videos will dynamically complete the exhibition.
Faces of Autism is a project that presents portraits of children, young people or adults with autism, aiming to explore the many facets of autism, from nonverbal people to independent people, who live an almost typical life. Each portrait is like a call to society, to support these individuals in developing relational skills for everyday life. The photos are taken exclusively by David Stescu, and the stories are written by Mihai Stescu, David’s father. The Faces of Autism team also includes Teodora Stescu, Laszlo Bodor, Dragoș Asaftei, Cristina Bazavan, Razvan Ionița, Matthew Preston, Ionuț Trandafirescu. https://facesofautism.ro/ For more details you can contact the initiators of the project: mihai.stescu@gmail.com, phone 0731128658.